Backyard BBQs, potlucks, and picnics. These are the standards of human social interaction. We gravitate towards each other like moths to a flame. One of the most joyous of social occasions is a garden to table dinner party. It features the best of the garden harvest, combined with time spent enjoying the outdoors, provided the weather is cooperating. 

Garden to Table Dinner Ideas

Small farms have been introducing backyard farm to table party events as a way to boost interest in their produce and provide a new revenue stream. The idea has caught on and many home gardeners build their own farm to table party situation. Whether you have a big space, a small, built in outdoor kitchen, or just a simple BBQ, anyone can make a garden to table dinner party.  Using your own produce or items bought from a farmer’s market, such events allow friends and family to indulge in the fruits of the season, while spending precious time together. If you don’t have the time and energy to host your own farm to table dinner, there are plenty of inns, farms, and restaurants that offer a seasonal only menu. These usually include specialty drinks and dessert in a lovely setting. 

Hosting Your Own Backyard Farm to Table Party

The first step is the menu. Use what you can that is seasonal, fresh, and organic if possible. Provide beverages that echo the dishes that will be served and follow up with a dessert that showcases the end of season fruits. Next, create the ambiance. While late season outdoor dining may start becoming a bit cool, you can use a propane heater or fire pit to keep guests cozy. Or, if it is really cold, bring them indoors but add décor that echoes the harvested foods you will be serving. Corn, gourds, flowering fall mums, colorful leaves, apples, and pears are just some of the items that are widespread in fall. Add fun touches like Mason jars as glasses and homemade place or menu cards. 

Potlucks Really Share the Goodies

Not everyone will have a bumper crop. If you have a group of garden friends and family, consider designing a menu where each brings a signature dish from their garden. Not only will this ease your hosting load, but it allows for diversity in the menu. Plus, it lets everyone use up some of the extras in their veggie garden. Plan ahead with those who will contribute so you don’t have a menu of only potato dishes or only apple items. A well rounded menu should have an entrée, sides, and hopefully appetizers or munchies of some kind. Your job will be far easier, and you can focus on décor and comforting touches, instead of doing all the cooking too. Overall, the experience will be easier and more satisfying.  

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