Benefits of Companion Planting with Cabbage

Companion planting in general has the benefit of saving space, properly utilizing soil nutrients, pest management, and mutual support as in the case of the three sisters, a trio comprised of squash, beans and corn. 

Cabbage Companion Plants

Many strongly scented plants are used as companion plants. This may be because the blooms from the plant attract beneficial predators or the plant provides habitat for these good bugs or the heightened aroma may repel detrimental insects.  In any case, plants to include when companion planting with cabbage fall into the aromatic arena; geraniums, dill, allium and rosemary are all recommended as cabbage companion plantings. Rosemary repels cabbage flies while geraniums attract and trap cabbage worms.  Lovage also makes an excellent companion plant for cabbage. 

Crops to Exclude when Companion Planting Cabbage

As mentioned, just as there are plants beneficial to cabbage so too there are those that should be avoided. Cabbage should never be planted near tomatoes, beans, peppers or strawberries. In fact, this holds true for all plants in the brassica family, such as broccoli, kale, and cauliflower.

Best Companion Plants For Cabbage - 66