Flowering Vines That Bloom in Summer

There are a huge number of vines, and nearly as many summer flowering vines. If you just want vines for summer color, you’re almost certain to find something in the color you want for the climate you have. If your goal is vines that flower all summer long, however, the list is noticeably shorter. One very good option is the trumpet vine. While it won’t bloom in the spring, a trumpet vine will be covered in bright orange flowers from midsummer to early fall. And the flowers aren’t just long lasting – they’re vivid, they’re big, and they’re uncountable. Be aware, though, that trumpet vine spreads, and once you have one, it’s hard to get rid of. Clematis is another great choice if you’re looking for summer flowering vines. This plant comes in quite a few varieties with a wide range of bloom times, but many will last from early or midsummer through autumn. Some will even bloom once in summer and again in autumn. The “Rooguchi” clematis, in particular, will bloom from early summer straight through to autumn, producing down-facing, deep purple flowers. Clematis vines likes rich, well-drained soil and 4 to 5 hours of direct sun per day. Many honeysuckle vines will blooms in summer. As with trumpet vines, however, they can become invasive, so be careful to provide it with plenty of space and something to climb on. Regular pruning will also help keep this vine more manageable. The fleece vine, also known as silver lace vine, is a vigorous deciduous to semi-evergreen vine that can grow up to 12 feet in one year. It makes a great addition to a trellis or arbor in the garden where its fragrant summer blooms can be appreciated. Sweet pea is another fragrant summertime blooming vine that will enhance the garden. That said, these plants prefer areas with cooler summers as opposed to hot ones where their blooms will fizzle out from the heat.

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